Governments and State utilities are delegating the responsibility for power generation on a renewable basis to independent private companies. Accordingly, P&R has set-up its own Independent Power Projects which generate power from renewable and non-conventional sources such as Hydel Energy, Solar Energy and Biomass.
Hydel Projects Transforming Water into Prosperity
In the hydel department, the company has undertaken two IPP projects. The company’s first IPP Project was commissioned in Jammu & Kashmir. The project was having 3 units of 2.5 MW each at Village Brenwar, District Budgam, in state of Jammu &Kashmir, India.
The company’s Second IPP was commissioned in Haryana with the name in Distt. Karnal. It was the first Canal Based IPP in Haryana, commissioned and executed meticulously by P&R.
P&R has also received the Letter of Intent (L.O.I) for Punjab Energy Development Agencies’ (PEDA) 2 MW PEDA Gurdittiwala Mini Hydro Power Project in Punjab.
Biomass Power Projects Build a Renewable, Sustainable and Greener World
Biomass – be it solid, liquid or gaseous – is the only renewable energy resource to replace fossil fuels directly. P&R is rapidly expanding in the field of utilizing biomass to produce energy. P&R is currently executing a total log of 15 MW Grid Biomass based power plant projects allotted by PEDA in Punjab using state-of-the-art technology. These include a 10 MW Biomass Project in Nawashehar and a 5 MW Project in Shri Anandpur Sahib.
Solar PV Projects Join the Future
PR Group is committed to provide a strong renewable energy platform to power a greener tomorrow. P&R is executing a 10 MW Solar PV Power Projects in the state of Rajasthan and Bihar.

7.5 MW Brenwar Small Hydro Electric Project, Distt. Budgam, Jammu & Kashmir
Authorized By : Jammu & Kashmir Power Development Corporation Ltd.
Status : Commissioned
Description: 3 units of 2.5MW; Current Process of Extending Power Capacity to 22.5MW

2.0 MW Gogripur Small Hydro Power Project, Distt. Karnal, Haryana
Authorized By : Haryana Renewale Energy
Development Agency
Status : Commissioned
Description: First canal based IPP in Haryana

2MW Mini Hydel Power
Authorized By : Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA).
Status : Commissioned
Description: 2 units of 1 MW; Vertical Full Kaplan Turbine.(SYPHON)